Ken Honda

Welcome to the online press kit for Ken Honda

Zen Millionaire

In his international bestseller, “Happy Money,” Ken Honda showed how we can create a life of abundance by changing our relationship with money. His new novel is “True Wealth — 9 Lessons From a Grandfather on Happiness and Abundance.”

Ken Honda is a Japanese bestselling author whose books have sold over eight million copies internationally since 2001. His first English language book “Happy Money: The Japanese Art of Making Peace With Your Money” (June 2019, Simon & Schuster) is an international bestseller. His new novel is “True Wealth – 9 Lessons From a Grandfather on Happiness and Abundance” (​​May 14, 2024, Hay House).

Ken asserts that it is possible for anyone, no matter their current financial status, to live with more ease in their relationship to money.

“It is not necessary to have a life of struggle with money,” says Ken, who is known as “Zen Millionaire.” “There is another way of living your life, especially around money. Clear the fog of anxiety around financial issues. Worry is not good for your health, and you can be free from financial worries. When you feel more relaxed about money, you can trust your future more. And if you start trusting your future more, you have a lot more fun.”

True Wealth

Founded on Zen principles and delivered in a spirit of compassion, freedom, and joy, “True Wealth” shares new lessons in success and abundance. It tells the story of protagonist Kei, who at the age of 20 inherits a series of nine letters covering 80 years of his wealthy grandfather’s learned wisdom. Each unveils an important lesson about what’s most important in life: achieving a joyous and successful life beyond material wealth.

Motivated by these letters, Kei embarks on an introspective international journey — from Tokyo to Hokkaido to Bangkok, Bhutan, and beyond — to learn about his grandfather’s past. With every letter, his worldview expands, leading him closer to understanding his grandfather's legacy and the profound meaning of true wealth.
The letters invite readers to contemplate the meaning of wealth beyond financial abundance through essential lessons including:

- The value of failure to propel us forward.
- How great relationships transform our lives for the better.
- The power of determination to chart our course.
- The opportunity we have, every day, to choose actions that will change our lives.
- How to make the most of our gift of intuition.
- The intricate balance between money and true abundance.
- How to allow life to be guided by synchronicity.
- The most practical and joyous path to earning money through our work.
- The difference between destiny and fate.
And much more!

Ken’s purpose in writing “True Wealth” is to propel readers toward a life rich in happiness, purpose, and authentic connection.

“True wealth begins with gratitude,” he says. “When we cultivate a deep sense of gratitude for the blessings and abundance already present in our lives, we shift our focus from what we lack to what we have. Gratitude opens the door to more blessings, as it is through acknowledging and appreciating the abundance around us that we attract even more abundance into our lives.”

True wealth is also characterized by awareness of our thoughts, emotions, and actions; trust in the abundance and flow of resources; and the transformative power of learning from each other, Ken says.

”When we come together, share our experiences, and support one another on our respective journeys, we create connections that are not only enriching but also full of opportunities to achieve our dreams,” he says. “Each interaction, each exchange of knowledge and insight, has the power to spark new ideas, inspire change, and ultimately transform lives.”

Happy Money

For many of us the subject of money is stressful. Managing our personal finances is complicated, time consuming and often, particularly in the slow countdown to payday, dispiriting. The good news is that in Japan, where a Zen approach to life is more widely practiced, Ken Honda is carving a pathway to a better relationship with money.

In “Happy Money,” Ken challenges you to reinvent the way you see your personal finances. You will come to understand that money flows like water and arrives like a guest. You'll rethink your own attitudes and examine the way they were shaped by beliefs about money you were taught as a child. When we heal the fear and anxiety we have about money, we successfully achieve prosperity and peace.

“Happy Money is the kind that a 10-year-old boy uses to buy flowers for his mom on Mother’s Day,” Ken says. “Happy Money is when parents gladly pinch pennies in order to save a few extra dollars each week to send their kids to soccer camp or take piano lessons.”

Other Happy Money examples include:

* Helping a struggling family member out of a bind.
* Sending a few dollars to those affected by a hurricane.
* Raising money by selling cookies for a homeless shelter.
* Investing in a business or community project.
* Receiving money for work or services from satisfied clients.

“All the money circulated with love, care, and friendship is Happy Money,” Ken says. “Happy Money makes people smile and feel loved and cared for deeply. It is in many ways an active form of love.”

Does Your Money Bring You Joy?
Ken asks: Does your money bring you joy? If not, you may be unconsciously pushing it away.

Ken offers people an opportunity to transform their relationship with money to a joyful one so they can attract more abundance into their lives and cultivate gratitude for what they have.

We can learn to be in a state of Happy Money with all our money exchanges, Ken asserts, such as:

* Receiving money from others.
* Paying bills.
* Paying workers.
* Even losing money!

“Most people, whether they realize it or not, are already in a deeply committed, unhappy relationship with their money,” Ken says. “We are in a flow of either Happy Money or Unhappy Money. Depending on which flow you choose, your life and the outcomes in your life will vary. Let me state this plainly: It is not how much you make or have that makes you have Happy Money or Unhappy Money; it is the energy in which your money is given and received that determines your flow. Whether you make a lot of money or very little, your money can be in either flow. Ultimately, it is your choice. If you want to be in the flow of Happy Money, you can. You can choose to be grateful when you receive money and you can give generously and with joy and enthusiasm.”

How Can People Choose Happy Money?
“I believe it begins with gratitude,” Ken says. “Instead of believing there is never enough, you begin thinking: ‘I have all that I need and I am so grateful for it all. I am grateful for the work I do, the food I eat, the car I drive, and all the money I make.’ When money comes in, you say, ‘Thank you’ or, as we say in Japan, ‘Arigato.’ Even when money leaves you, you can say it again, grateful for how the money served you or what it is bringing to you now.

“Whatever happens, you can say thank you — two powerful words that will help you to start to transform your relationship with money. The more you do this, the less stress you’ll have and the more happiness that will flow through you and your money. And you’ll begin to see, without much effort, how quickly the Unhappy Money in your wallet starts to grow and smile and turn into Happy Money.”

Happy Money Accelerator
Living your best life, the life you truly deserve, means tossing out old beliefs and habits that got you stuck in the first place. This year, stop worrying about money once and for all! Join Happy Money Accelerator, Ken Honda’s year-long program to discover the ultimate path to manifest your wildest dreams and live stress-free about money. Membership includes:

* 10 Live Zoom Seminar Calls by Ken Honda (from Japanese to English in real-time).
* 11 Live Group Coaching Calls directly with Ken Honda (in English).
* Exclusive Global Community Access.
* Community Calls Led by Ken’s "Happy Money Leaders."
* Premium Networking Sessions.
* Actionable Market Forecasts and World Economy Analysis, and more.

The Arigato Living Community

In August 2021, Ken launched the Arigato Living Community, an interactive online platform that offers connection to others who are committed to living a Happy Money lifestyle, access to exclusive live events, and 24-hour support in your quest to live an abundant life and make peace with your money.

A monthly subscription includes:

* Monthly Lectures and Topics — Ken will speak on a different topic each month that will inform the discussions in the community. He will present ideas that challenge the norm and ask you to consider if there's another way to look at a problem you may be having, whether it’s money, family, relationships, community, or something else.
* Expert Interviews Members get “behind-the-scenes” access to successful experts in business, wellness, personal finance, and self-improvement through heartfelt interviews and sincere discussions.
* Monthly Challenges — Members can choose to participate in monthly topical challenges that help support lasting transformation.
* Ask Ken — Ken is dedicated to continuing the tradition of mentorship. Members may join monthly Zoom calls and ask Ken questions directly.
* Private Community — Private message boards allow communication with others in the community to share tips, information, and inspiration about Arigato Living, with guidance from Ken and his team.

Download Ken Honda’s One Pager.

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